Cdt Eclipse For Mac

Nsight Eclipse Edition Getting Started Guide

The Autotools plug-in for Eclipse is an optional feature of the CDT (C/C Development Tools) that adds support for maintaining and building C/C projects that use GNU Autotools. The Autotools plug-ins were migrated from the Linux Tools project into the CDT as part of the Eclipse Juno release. Install Eclipse CDT, you may want to go directly to the section called “Common Problems”. This document describes how to install everything necessary to develop with C or C using only free tools on the three major operating systems Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Eclipse/CDT on Linux and Mac OS X Covers installation, configuration, and basic debugging of Eclipse/CDT Europa edition using MySQL as source code. C Development using eclipse IDE Starters guide. Webinar on Reverse Debugging with DSF-GDB This webinar introduces the new DSF-GDB debugger integration that is part of CDT 6.0. Install Eclipse CDT, you may want to go directly to the section called “Common Problems”. This document describes how to install everything necessary to develop with C or C using only free tools on the three major operating systems Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. How to Install Eclipse C/C Development Tool (CDT) 8.1.2 for Eclipse 4.2.2 (Juno) Step 0: Install.

1. Introduction

This guide introduces Nsight Eclipse Edition and provides instructions necessary to start using this tool. For a detailed description of Nsight features consult the integrated help available from inside Nsight.

1.1. About Nsight Eclipse Edition

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Eclipse Edition is a unified CPU plus GPU integrated development environment (IDE) for developing CUDA® applications on Linux and Mac OS X for the x86, POWER and ARM platforms. It is designed to help developers on all stages of the software development process. Nsight Eclipse Edition is bundled in the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit, so installing the CUDA Toolkit also installs Nsight. The principal features are as follows:
  • Source editor with extended support for CUDA C and C++ syntax
  • Projects and files management with version control management system integration. CVS and Git are supported out of the box with integrations for other systems available separately as IDE plug-ins.
  • Configurable makefile-based NVCC build integration
  • Graphical user interface for debugging heterogeneous applications
  • Visual profiler with source code correlation for optimizing GPU code performance
Nsight Eclipse Edition is based on the popular Eclipse Platform and supports a wide range of the third-party extensions and plug-ins including:
  • Version control management systems support
  • Compiler integrations
  • Language IDEs
  • Application lifecycle management and collaboration solutions
  • Nsight Eclipse Edition standalone is deprecated in CUDA 10.1, and will be dropped in the release that immediately follows CUDA 10.1.
  • Nsight Eclipse Plugins are now available, and can be installed in your own Eclipse environment to edit, build and debug CUDA applications. Check the Nsight Eclipse Plugins installation guide.
  • The following files will no longer be available starting from next release.
    • /usr/local/cuda/libnsight
    • /usr/local/cuda/bin/nsight
    • /usr/local/cuda/doc/html/nsight-eclipse-edition-getting-started-guide
    • /usr/local/cuda/doc/pdf/Nsight_Eclipse_Edition_Getting_Started.pdf

For more information about Eclipse Platform, visit

2. New and Noteworthy

2.1. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 9.0

Nsight Eclipse Plugins
Nsight Eclipse Plugins are now available as part of CUDA 9.0 toolkit that can be installed on your own Eclipse environment. Please refer to /usr/local/cuda-10.2/doc/pdf/Nsight_Eclipse_Plugins_Installation_Guide.pdf for details.

2.2. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 7.5

Multiple Toolkit support
Nsight Eclipse Edition is now capable of creating new CUDA that would use compiler/debugger from CUDA-6.5 or CUDA-7.0 toolkits. This feature would be mostly useful for remote-development on CUDA-capable Tegra products, like Jetson TK1 DevKit. Please note, that regardless of what toolkit was selected for compilation/debugging, profiling would always be performed using the most recent version of nvprof.
Based on Eclipse-4.4 platform
Nsight Eclipse Edition is now based on Eclipse-4.4 platform. This update is expected to fix multiple compatibility issues, like inability to remotely debug/profile application running on the OpenSSH-6.8p1 or later, as well as enhance C++11 code analysis capabilities.

2.3. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 7.0

Precise Error Attribution on Maxwell
When debugging an application on an sm_50 or later GPU the debugger will report the precise exception location (as a precised PC value).
POWER Cross-Compilation Support
Nsight Eclipse Edition now allows POWER to be targeted from an x86 host. Using an x86 version of Nsight EE running on an x86 host system you can now cross-compile to product POWER targeted CUDA applications.
Improved OpenGL Remote Development/Cross-Compilation Support
Out-of-the-box remote-development/cross-compilation support for CUDA + OpenGL samples from Linux x86 to Linux ARMv7 and from OSX to Linux x86.
C++11 Support
A checkbox is added to the NVCC Compiler->Code Generation project properties tab to enable C++11 support in the compiler.

2.4. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 6.5

Stability release
Version 6.5 improves the stability of network connections to target systems and fixes an an occasional hang that could occur after profiling CUDA applications in earlier versions.

2.5. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 6.0

Running Or Profiling Applications Remotely
In addition to remote debugging support introduced in Nsight Eclipse Edition 5.5, Nsight Eclipse Edition 6.0 is also able to run and profile applications on remote systems.
To run or profile on a remote system, select Remote C/C++ Applicaton from the drop-down on the main toolbar.

Building Projects On A Remote System
Nsight Eclipse Edition can now perform build on a remote system. Following actions will be performed:
  1. Nsight will connect to a remote system and will synchronize copies of the project files between local and remote systems. User may be prompted to resolve conflicts if there are any.
  2. make will be executed on a remote system to build the project.
  3. Build results will be copied back to the local system.
Note: Building project remotely requires Git to be available and set up on both the local and the remote system.
Target systems for remote build can be setup during project creation with the New CUDA Project wizard or on the Build/Target Systems project property page

ARMv7 Cross Development Support
Nsight Eclipse Edition can now target Linux systems running on ARMv7 processors.
Note: Please consult CUDA Toolkit Release Notes for information on enabling ARMv7 cross development support in CUDA Toolkit
CPU archicture for the project can be set during project creation with the New CUDA Project wizard or using the Build/Target Systems project property page

Cached And Extrapolated Values In Visual Debugger
cuda-gdb now reports cached and extrapolated values for variables in device code that were optimized out by the compiler.

2.6. New in Nsight Eclipse Edition 5.5

Remote Debugging Support

Nsight supports debugging CUDA applications running on remote systems. Nsight can both upload for debugging executable built locally and debug executable built remotely.

Kernel Launch Trace

Debug view now shows CDP launch trace.

CDP Project Support

CDP support can be enabled from a new project wizard during project creation or from project properties for existing projects.

Software Preemption Support
Software preeption debugging can be enabled from Nsight preferences.
Note: Software preemption debugging is BETA and is only available on SM 3.5 and later devices. Consult cuda-gdb manual before enabling this setting.
Floating Point Memory Rendering

Floating-point rendering support was added to the memory view.

Remote System Explorer

Nsight Eclipse Edition now includes Remote System Explorer plug-in. This plugin enables accessing remote systems for file transfer, shell access and listing running processes.

Eclipse Platform Update

Cdt Eclipse For Mac Catalina

Nsight Eclipse Edition 5.5 is based on Eclipse Platform 3.8.2 and Eclipse CDT 8.1.2 introducing a number of new features and enhancements to existing features.

3. Using Nsight Eclipse Edition

3.1. Installing Nsight Eclipse Edition

Nsight Eclipse Edition, nsight, is included in the CUDA Toolkit for Linux and Mac OSX. Nsight Eclipse Edition is installed as a part of the CUDA Toolkit package.

On Linux systems, Nsight is also available from Gnome, KDE and Unity desktop menus.

3.1.1. Installing CUDA Toolkit

  1. Visit the NVIDIA CUDA Zone download page:
  2. Select appropriate operating system. Nsight Eclipse Edition is available in Mac OS X and Linux toolkit packages.
  3. Download and install the CUDA Driver.
  4. Download and install the CUDA Toolkit.
  5. Follow instructions to configure CUDA Driver and Toolkit on your system.

3.1.2. Installing JRE

Nsight Eclipse Edition and Visual Profiler require Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 to be available on the local system. However, as of CUDA Toolkit version 10.1 Update 2, the JRE is no longer included in the CUDA Toolkit due to Oracle upgrade licensing changes. The user must install JRE 1.8 in order to use Nsight Eclipse Edition. See below for available options. Also see Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 Names and Versions.


  • Oracle JRE 1.8 (may require paid updates)
  • OpenJDK JRE 1.8


  • Oracle JRE 1.8 (may require paid updates)
  • OpenJDK JRE 1.8


  • Oracle JRE 1.8 (may require paid updates)
    Note: JRE 1.8u152 or later is not supported for Nsight Eclipse Edition or Visual Profiler. You can find the JRE update 151 on the Oracle Download Archive site here:

3.1.3. Mac OS X Additional Notes

Mac OS X users must have JDK 7 or later installed on their system. The JDK 7 can be downloaded from Oracle's Java website.

Nsight Eclipse Edition relies on command-line development tools to be installed on the system. To install those command-line tools, Xcode must be installed first.

Once Xcode is installed, the command-line tools can be installed by running the following command:

Note: It is recommended to re-run the above command if Xcode is upgraded.

You can verify that the toolchain is installed by running the following command:

3.2. Running Nsight Eclipse Edition

Note: Before attempting to run Nsight Eclipse Edition, note that the Nsight Eclipse Edition requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 to be available on the local system. However, as of CUDA Toolkit version 10.1 Update 2, the JRE is no longer included in the CUDA Toolkit due to Oracle upgrade licensing changes. The user must install JRE 1.8 in order to use Nsight Eclipse Edition. See Installing JRE.
  • To run Nsight on OpenSUSE15 or SLES15:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
  • To run Nsight on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 18.10:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
    • On Ubuntu 18.10, if you get error 'no swt-pi-gtk in java.library.path' when running Nsight, then you need to install GTK2. Type the below command to install the required GTK2.
  • To run Nsight on Fedora 29:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
  • To run Nsight on MacOSX:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.

On the first run Nsight will ask to pick a workspace location. The workspace is a folder where Nsight will store its settings, local files history and caches. An empty folder should be selected to avoid overwriting existing files.

The main Nsight window will open after the workspace location is selected. The main window is divided into the following areas:
  • Editor - displays source files that are opened for editing.
  • Project Explorer - displays project files
  • Outline - displays structure of the source file in the current editor.
  • Problems - displays errors and warnings detected by static code analysis in IDE or by a compiler during the build.
  • Console - displays make output during the build or output from the running application.

3.3. Creating a New Project

  1. From the main menu, open the new project wizard - File > New... > CUDA C/C++ Project
  2. Specify the project name and project files location.
  3. Select CUDA Runtime Project to create a simple CUDA runtime application.
  4. Specify the project parameters on the next wizard page.
    Note: By default Nsight will automatically detect and target CUDA hardware available locally. Nsight will default to SM 2.0 if no CUDA hardware is detected.
  5. Complete the wizard. The project will be shown in the Project Explorer view and source editor will be opened.
  6. Build the project by clicking on the hammer button on the main toolbar.
Figure 1. Nsight main window after creating a new project

3.4. Importing CUDA Samples

The CUDA samples are an optional component of the CUDA Toolkit installation. Nsight provides a mechanism to import these samples and work with them easily:
Note: Samples that use the CUDA driver API (suffixed with 'Drv') are not supported by Nsight.
  1. From the main menu, open the new project wizard - File > New... > CUDA C/C++ Project
  2. Specify the project name and project files location.
  3. Select Import CUDA Sample under Executable in the Project type tree.
  4. On the next wizard page select project sample you want to import. Press Next...
  5. Specify the project parameters on the next wizard page.
  6. Complete the wizard. The project will be shown in the Project Explorer view and source editor will be opened.
  7. Build the project by clicking on the hammer button on the main toolbar.

cuHook Sample

cuHook sample builds both the library and the executable. cuHook sample should be imported as the 'makefile' project using the following steps.
  1. From the main menu, open the new project wizard - File > New... > CUDA C/C++ Project
  2. Select project type 'Makefile project' and choose 'Empty Project'
  3. Specify the project name and project files location.
  4. Complete the wizard. The project will be shown in the Project Explorer view.
  5. Right click on the project - Import... > General > File System
  6. On the next wizard page, select the location of cuHook sample(Samples/7_CUDALibraries/cuHook)
  7. Select all the source files and makefile and Finish the wizard
  8. Build the project by clicking on the hammer button on the main toolbar.
  9. To run the sample, from the main menu - Run > Run Configurations... > Select the executable > Go to Environment tab > New... > enter Name=LD_PRELOAD, Value=./ > Run will execute the sample

3.5. Debugging CUDA Applications

Nsight must be running and at least one project must exist.
Note: GPUs used to run X11 (on Linux) or Aqua (on Mac) cannot be used to debug CUDA applications in Nsight Eclipse Edition. Consult cuda-gdb documentation for details.
  1. In the Project Explorer view, select project you want to debug. Make sure the project executable is compiled and no error markers are shown on the project.
  2. On the main window toolbar press Debug button (green bug).
  3. You will be offered to switch perspective when you run debugger for the first time. Click 'Yes'. Perspective is a window layout preset specifically designed for a particular task.
  4. Application will suspend in the main function. At this point there is no GPU code running.
  5. Add a breakpoint in the device code. Resume the application.

Debugger will break when application reaches the breakpoint. You can now explore your CUDA device state, step through your GPU code or resume the application.

Figure 2. Debugging CUDA application

3.6. Remote development of CUDA Applications

Nsight Eclipse Edition also supports remote development of CUDA application starting with CUDA Toolkit 6.0. The picture below shows how Nsight Eclipse Edition can be used for local as well as remote development:

For remote development you do not need any NVIDIA GPU on your host system. The remote target system can be a Linux x86 or POWER system with an NVIDIA GPU or an Tegra-based ARM system. Nsight IDE and UI tools can only be hosted on x86 and POWER systems.

Nsight supports two remote development modes: the cross compilation mode and the remote synchronized project mode.

In the cross compilation mode the project resides on the host system and the cross compilation is also done on the host system. The cross compilation mode is only supported on an Ubuntu x86 host system.

To cross compile select the target cross compile architecture in CPU architecture drop down:

In the remote synchronized project mode the project resides on the host system and gets synchronized with the remote target system. The compilation gets done natively on the target system. The remote synchronized project mode is supported on Mac OSX, Linux x86 and Linux POWER systems.

To create native remote build using remote synchronized project mode click on Manage... button to add a remote system, then select the project path, toolkit and the CPU architecture of the target system:

To synchronize projects between the host and target system, install and configure git on both the local and remote systems as follows:
  • git config --global <anyname>
  • git config --global <anyemail>

3.7. Debugging Remote CUDA Applications

Remote debugging is available starting with CUDA Toolkit 5.5. A dedicated GPU is not required to use Nsight remote debugging UI. A dedicated GPU is still required on the debug target. Only Linux targets are supported. Debug host and target may run different operating systems or have different CPU architectures. The remote machine must be accessible via SSH and CUDA Toolkit must be installed on both machines.
Note: If there is a firewall between the host and the target, it must be set up to let RSP messages through, or SSH port-forwarding must be used.
  1. Select Run>Debug an application menu item.

  2. Select Debug an application on a remote system option.

  3. Type the full path to a local executable or select one using the Local file... button.

  4. Select a remote connection from a drop-down list or press the New... button to create a new one.
  5. If you are creating a new remote connection, select the SSH Only connection type, press Next, and type the host name(or IP address) as well as the connection name and description (both are optional) and then press Finish.

  6. Optional: Press Connect to verify the selected remote connection.
  7. Press the Next button.
  8. Type the full path to cuda-gdbserver on the remote system or select one using the Browse... button.

  9. Click on 'Add new path' or on the Browse... button to specify the path to the shared libraries the remote application depends on.
  10. Click on the Finish button to finish the new debug configuration wizard and start debugging the application.
  11. You will be offered to switch perspective when you run the debugger for the first time. Click Yes. Perspective is a window layout preset specifically designed for a particular task.

The debugger will stop at the application main routine. You can now set breakpoints, or resume the application.

Figure 3. Debugging remote CUDA application

3.8. Profiling CUDA applications

Nsight must be running and at least one project must exist. Profiler cannot be used when debugging session is in progress.

Cdt Eclipse For Mac Mojave

Nsight Eclipse Edition profiling features are based on the NVIDIA Visual Profiler ( nvvp ) code. These two tools provide same features and have same user interface.
  1. In the Project Explorer view, select project you want to profile. Make sure the project executable is compiled and no error markers are shown on the project.
  2. On the main window toolbar press the Profile button.
  3. Press Yes when Nsight prompts to switch to the Profile perspective.

Nsight will switch to the Profile perspective and will display application execution timeline.

Figure 4. Profiling CUDA Application

3.9. More Information

Some of the topics not covered in this guide are:
  • Navigating debugged application state
  • Enabling cuda-memcheck integration when debugging GPU applications
  • Attaching to running applications
  • Measuring GPU code efficiency
  • Refactoring CUDA C/C++ source code
  • Accessing CVS and Git repositories
  • Installing Nsight Eclipse Edition plug-ins

More information about these and other topics is available in the Nsight built-in documentation. To access Nsight documentation select Help->Help Contents from the Nsight main menu.

More information about CUDA, CUDA Toolkit and other tools is available on CUDA web page at

A. Platform Requirements

Nsight Eclipse Edition is supported on all Linux x86 and POWER versions and Mac OS X versions supported by the CUDA Toolkit.

A CUDA-capable GPU is not required for writing and compiling your CUDA application using Nsight Eclipse Edition. A CUDA-capable GPU is required for debugging and profiling CUDA applications. Debugging is supported on all CUDA-capable GPUs supported by the CUDA Toolkit.

A GPU that is running X11 (on Linux) or Aqua (on Mac) cannot be used to debug a CUDA application and will be hidden from the application ran in the debugger. Such GPU can still be used for profiling GPU applications.

Known Issues

Running Nsight

  • To run Nsight on OpenSUSE15 or SLES15:
    • Install JDK 8 / JRE 1.8:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
  • To run Nsight on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 18.10:
    • Install JDK 8 / JRE 1.8 package:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
    • On Ubuntu 18.10, if you get error 'no swt-pi-gtk in java.library.path' when running Nsight, then you need to install GTK2. Type the below command to install the required GTK2.
  • To run Nsight on Fedora 29:
    • Install JDK 8 / JRE 1.8:
    • Make sure that you invoke Nsight with the command-line option included as shown below:
      Note: The -vm option is only required when JRE is not included in CUDA Toolkit package and JRE 1.8 is not in the default path.
  • Executable must exist in order to start debug session for the first time. Nsight will not automatically perform build when starting debug session for a given project for the first time. Build must be invoked manually. Nsight will automatically rebuild executable when starting subsequent debug sessions.

    Note: To manually build the project, select it (or any file within the project) in a Project Explorer view and click hammer icon on the main window toolbar.
  • Source editors may show error markers on a valid code for the files in newly created projects. These markers will be cleared after Nsight indexes included header files.

  • Mac OS X users may be prompted to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) when running Nsight Eclipse Edition for the first time. Nsight Eclipse Edition requires functioning Java Runtime Environment to be present on the local system to run.




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This product includes software developed by the Syncro Soft SRL (

Eclipse is a 'Java IDE', but it is also so much more. With the proper plug-ins, one can use Eclipse to work with PHP, Ruby, and Groovy, C, and C++. In this article, you will get started with the Eclipse C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT).

Before we start, you need to install the following:

    • We're using the CDT, which is a plug-in to Eclipse, so of course you need Eclipse.
    • Okay, I know you want to build C++ code, but we're using Eclipse. Eclipse is a Java application itself, so it needs a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Eclipse V3.2 requires a JRE of V1.4 or higher. If you want to also use Eclipse for Java development, you'll need a Java Development Kit (JDK).
    • Since we are using C/C++, we need to install the CDT. See instructions below.
    • If you're using Microsoft Windows, you will find Cygwin – which provides a Linux-like environment on Windows – helpful.

The Eclipse CDT

The Eclipse CDT is an Eclipse plug-in that transforms Eclipse into a powerful C/C++ IDE. It was designed to bring many of the great features Eclipse enjoyed by Java developers to C/C++ developers, such as project management, integrated debugging, class wizards, automated builds, syntax coloring, and code completion. When Eclipse is used as a Java IDE, it leverages and integrates with the JDK. Similarly, the CDT leverages and integrates with standard C/C++ tools, such as g++, make, and GDB. This has lead to it becoming very popular on Linux, where those tools are readily available and used for most C++ development. The CDT can be set up on Windows to use the same tools. There is also an ongoing effort to get the CDT to work with Microsoft's C++ tools to make it even more attractive to Windows C++ developers.

Installing the CDT

We start by assuming you installed Eclipse and can run it. If not, consult Eclipse's Web site for getting up and running. Let's install the CDT. The CDT is an Eclipse plug-in, so it uses Eclipse's Software Updates feature. Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.

Figure 1. Eclipse Software Updates

Figure 2. Search for new features

If you're using a newer version of Eclipse, the Callisto or Europa discovery sites should be included. Simply select it and click Finish.

Figure 3. Callisto Discovery Site

Eclipse might ask you to choose from a list of mirror sites for the Callisto Discovery Site. Pick whatever one seems closest to you. You should see a list of plug-ins from the Callisto Discovery Site. You'll want to select C and C++ Development and click Next.

Figure 4. Available Callisto plug-ins

You'll be asked to accept the license for the CDT. Once you've done that, you can click Next. You'll see a summary of what's going to be downloaded and installed. Simply click Finish.

Figure 5. Download and installation summary

Eclipse's Update Manager will then download the CDT plug-in from the mirror site you selected earlier. The CDT is about 11 MB total, so this could take a few minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. Once everything is downloaded, you'll be asked to confirm that you want to install the new features. Click Install All.

Figure 6. Confirm installation

After you finish installing CDT, you'll be asked to restart Eclipse. Go ahead and do that. Once Eclipse restarts, the CDT will be ready to go.

Windows Configuration

If you're running Eclipse on Linux or Mac OS X, you're ready to start using the CDT to develop a C++ application. If you're on Windows, there might be a few more steps. As mentioned, CDT relies on the standard GNU C++ development tools: g++, make, and GDB. These are usually included on Linux or Mac OS X. They're usually not included with Windows. But don't worry. These tools can be easily installed on Windows. Perhaps the easiest way is to install Cygwin. Cygwin provides Linux-like environment on Windows. When installing Cygwin, you'll be asked to pick the packages you want to install. Make sure to go into the development section and select gcc: g++, make, and GDB. This will cause their prerequisites to be installed, too.

Once you're done installing Cygwin, you'll need to add g++, make, and GDB to your path. The easiest way to do this is to add Cygwin's bin directory to your path, since that's where g++, make, and GDB can be found. Once that's done, restart Eclipse.

Source: Tonya Pierce and Saylor Academy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.